Matriushkas with covid-19 masks
Me Time

Free Time? Here’s Your Checklist For Covid-19

With covid-19 around, our world is changing again and again. We are going from total lockdown to life as normal in a moment and then suddenly we find ourselves in quarantine, then we’re free again… until the next lockdown.

With so much time at home and not too many places open, it can get boring. OR it can be a great opportunity to finally get some things done. You know, the sort of things you always postponed because of lack of time or always wanted to do but just never really got the chance to do them.

Whether you’re bored at home or simply need a reminder, here are the best 21 ideas to start from!

1. Watch Something

Make a list of movies you always planned to watch but never had the time. From films that won the Oscars (or ones that should have won!) to independent movies and all the really long movies you’ve never found the time for.

Want to add some extra fun make it a real movie night complete with popcorn, chocolates and drinks. Instead of going all the way to the cinema simply curl up under a blanket on the sofa!

2. Get Artistic

Always wanted to try crochet? Feel like knitting a scarf? How about learning origami? Or designing a piece of jewelry? There are endless easy to follow tutorials you can find online and try. Whatever it is, just get your pens, paper, beads, feathers, buttons, stickers, paints, glitter or anything you choose, and by the time Covid-19 is gone you will have some cool handmade gifts to give your friends.

3. Start a journal

It will give you something to do every day. It can be a diary with your thoughts, feelings and plans, it can be a well designed planner that will get you into a routine or you can choose to start a bullet journal – this one will take even more time but with all the designing and scrapbooking it involves, it will be lots of fun if you are the artistic type. Either way, once covid-19 disappears you will be left with a well established routine.

starting a bullet journal during covid-19 is a good idea

4. Exercise

Whether you were used to going to the gym before coronavirus hit, or you were always more of a couch potato, exercising is a great way to pass the time. And you don’t even need any special equipment – you can work on your flexibility with stretches, try out some aerobics or start practicing yoga. You’ll find on YouTube many videos you can learn from, and if you find that you like it, consider downloading an app with curated workout playlists.

5. Tickle your brain

Now that you have to spend more time indoors it’s a good idea to do some brain exercises too. If you like jigsaw puzzles now is the time to solve a really difficult one (you know, the one with all those sky pieces you never dared to start). If puzzles aren’t your thing, why not have a Scrabble tournament or get into some crossword puzzles, sudokus or even Rubik’s cubes? Pictionary is a good and fun option too if you prefer something lighter.

6. Enjoy Cooking

Have fun in the kitchen by trying out new things. Cook dishes from different countries (it’s so much fun!), bake cupcakes and take time decorating them, make healthy and delicious smoothies or challenge yourself and cook / bake something with the ingredients you have on hand. If you have kids in the right age you can have lots of fun creating a cooking video together! Start by brainstorming recipes and move on to getting the ingredients ready and cooking with the camera filming. The kids will LOVE it! (and you will, too)

Cooking during cobid-19

7. Check Out Take Outs

Not a fan of the kitchen? No problem. You can try ordering food from different places and decide which restaurants are your favourite. By doing that you also get to help local businesses. Don’t forget to leave a feedback if you liked the food to bring smiles on the workers’ faces!

8. Learn a New Skill

Coronavirus gives us so much time indoors and you can use this time to get to things you always wished you knew how to do. It doesn’t have to be a long course, a new style of dance, calligraphy, touch typing, soap or candle making, and anything else you always wanted to be able to do.

9. Write Letters

Since you can’t meet your family and friends for long periods of time, why don’t you send them letters? Sure, you can call or video call them, but sending letters is more special and a good opportunity to include surprises like cards, tea bags and other light (and flat) treats which will make it more fun. If you see that you like it, go ahead and find a pen pal! Who knows, maybe you’ll find a new best friend because of this coronavirus…

writing letters is a good idea during coronavirus lockdown

10. Declutter

Try on all your clothes and decide which ones you no longer like or need. Give them away to someone who’ll actually love them and make space in your closet for new clothes that are more your currant style. Still have time? Move on to your book shelves, kitchen cabinets and drawers. You’ll find things that are ready to move to a new home.

11. Organize Your Space

You always plan to organize your spice rack properly? What about getting rid of all those open plastic packages and use glass jars for those dry products like pasta and rice? Take some time to rearrange things you always wished were more organized.

12. Clean and Repair

A cleaning spree is a great idea when you’re stuck at home – once you’re finished, at least you’ll be stuck in a clean home! Go on and do all those small repairs and fixed. You know, that broken drawer’s handle and the blocked shower head, that’s the time to get around to fix them.

cleaning the house during covid-19

13. Become An Interior Designer

Even without a diploma, you can rearrange your furniture to make the rooms look completely different. If you want to create an entirely new look, decide on new colours and get some accessories that complement your vision, maybe even paint the walls to match the new design.

14. Read

You can choose to read an e-book, but an actual physical paper real book is even better. If you don’t want to read alone, set up a virtual book club with your friends. When all of you finished reading the same book, call a zoom meeting and discuss the plot.

15. Listen

Having something in the background is always nice. It can be your favourite music, some new music by artists you’ve never heard before, or lectures and podcasts that will give you fresh motivation, new ideas or more general knowledge.

During coronavirus take time to listen to your favourite music and podcasts

16. Connect

Use the time when you can’t see the people close to you to say hi to the ones who live far away. Now is a good chance to catch up with your long distance friends and relatives who, just like you, spend more time at home during this pandemic.

17. Make An Album

Lets face it – you have SO MANY photos on your phones. Now is the time to sit and choose the best ones, design beautiful albums and finally send them to print! Find a photo you really love? Frame it and hang it on the wall.

18. Have A Bubble Bath

Y ou normally only have time for quick showers? Fill up the tub and enjoy! While you are at it, you can also use a good peeling, a face mask, or even try a new hair colour. It’s okay if you don’t like the result – no one will see it.

Relax during covid-19 with a warm bubble bath

19. Reflect

Take time to think of the past year – what have you accomplished? what did you want to do but didn’t get the chance to? what are you grateful for? Set goals and make plans for the next year too.

20. Rest and recharge

Stay still and take deep breaths – in through your nose, hold for 5 seconds, and out through your mouth. Take time to rest and relax with a cup of tea or quiet instrumental music – whatever makes you happy. And if you can actually SLEEP, do it!

Did you use the lockdown and quarantine times to get things done? What did you FINALLY find the time for during covid times? Share your accomplishments and thoughts in a comment below. 👇

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